About Tour Des Îles
2024 is our
The festival will take place over the Father’s Day weekend of June 15th & 16th and will include art, music, food, outdoor recreation, markets and more.
On our 10th birthday, we’re hoping to make a splash, and we’d love you on board to celebrate with us!

What is Tour des Îles?
Tour des Îles is a two-day festival celebrating inter island travel, local artists, and the unique culture of the five Southern Gulf Islands.
It began in 2015 as an informal pilot program sparked by the diminishing connectivity between our islands. The first year, supported mainly by volunteer-skippered boats and discounted charters, documented 1,400 passenger trips.
Over twenty musicians volunteered to perform, and many agreed to travel between islands, all without any form of compensation other than the joy of bringing islands together through music.
Since then, Tour des Îles has experienced increasing success transporting over 9,000 folks between the Southern Gulf Islands! Even during lockdown, music was shared virtually to keep the heart of TDI beating.
Combining art, music, food, outdoor recreation and each island’s unique cultural activities, Tour des Îles lets islanders and visitors alike see up close what makes the Southern Gulf Islands a world-renowned tourist destination.
Travellers book boats between islands, where they can enjoy music and activities in central hubs, or board shuttles to view island attractions.
“This is a wonderful festival! I can think of no better way to celebrate the natural beauty of the Southern Gulf Islands.”

The Salish Sea Inter-Island Transportation Society (SSIITS)
The Salish Sea Inter-Island Transportation Society (Tour Des Îles) was formed:
1. To develop, operate, manage and integrate programs, activities and services that reflect the diversity of local cultural, environmental and artistic expressions through movement and passage between and among all the Southern Gulf islands.
2. To foster, empower and increase education and economic development for the preservation and promotion of Arts, Inter-island Transportation, Culture, Values, History, Heritage and way of life within the Southern Gulf Islands (Salish Sea Area).
3. To engage the community through education, events, services, transportation and support in its use of and promotion of local talent, environmental conveyances and values for the benefit of all Southern Gulf Islands.
4. To raise or assist in raising necessary capital and operating funds for the SSITS DBA Tour des Îles.
We want to thank the hard working Board of Directors and volunteers that are involved in planning and running the Tour des Îles. This would not be possible without their enthusiasm and dedication.